
International Countryside School – Mateřská škola s.r.o.,

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Our programme is based on a combination of the British Early Years Foundation Stage and the International Curriculum with the aim to create a balanced and relevant international experience and give your children the foundation to be successful in any school they attend after our preschool.
1/ Personal, Social and Emotional Development
In this area of learning your children will develop an understanding and awareness of themselves. They will learn that they are special, build up their confidence, independence and self-esteem. They will learn how to express their feelings and needs in appropriate ways, feel pride in their own achievements as well as respect the ones of the others. Step by step by interacting with the others your children will learn all the social skills such as working as part of a group or class, making friendships, sharing, taking care of, understanding each other and respond to the feelings and wishes of others.
2/ Communication, Language and Literacy
Communicating and being with others helps children to build social relationships which provide opportunities for friendships, empathy and sharing emotions. The ability to communicate helps children to participate more fully in society. As all children learn best through activities and experiences that engage all their senses we use music, dance, rhymes and songs in language development. As children develop speaking and listening skills they build the foundations for making sense of visual and verbal signs so important for reading and writing. In this area of learning your children will learn to talk by being talk to. They will learn how to use simple and more complex statements and questions, listen to stories with increasing attention, make up their own stories and listen and respond to the others. We will help your children to use the language confidently and to express themselves and their thoughts in a group. With our Jolly Phonics programme in a very enjoyable and fun way through songs, games and rhymes your children will learn the letter sounds which helps them to read and write words later.
3/ Problem Solving, Reasoning and Numeracy
Babies´ and children´s mathematical development occurs as they seek patterns, make connections and recognise relationships through finding out about and working with numbers and counting, with sorting and matching and with shapes, space and measures. In this area of learning your children with get the opportunity through the songs, rhymes and plays to explore the „mathematical“ world. They will get the experience of counting, matching, sorting, comparing quantities, making patterns and using mathematical language when solving practical problems. Your children will learn all about shape recognition and they will be exploring measure and space. Your children will use their knowledge and skills obtained in this area to solve problems and generate new questions and make connections across other areas of learning and development.
4/ Knowledge and Understanding of the World
Babies and children find out about the world through exploration and from a variety of sources (families, friends, media) and through what they see and hear. Within this area of learning your children will be offered a range of activities which will encourage their interest and curiosity, both indoors and outdoors. From the very beginning your children will be encouraged to ask questions about why things happen and how things work. They will get the sense of time and will be able to talk about past, present and future events in their own lives. They will learn the basics about everyday technology and how to use some ICT equipment to support their learning. Your children will be also taught about their communities, cultures and beliefs as well as those of other people.
5/ Physical Development
This area of learning focuses on developing your children´s fine and gross motor skills. Physical Development helps children gain confidence in what they do, enables children to feel the positive benefits of being healthy and active and helps children to develop a positive sense of well-being. Your children will be taught how to gain control of their whole bodies, move spontaneously within available space and respond to rhythm and music by means of gesture and movement. They will learn moving with confidence, control and coordination showing awareness of space, of themselves and of others. Your children will be supported to handle different tools, pencils, scissors and various materials safely and with increasing control, involved in activities requiring hand-eye coordination and encouraged to get control over clothing and fastening.
6/ Creative Development
Creativity emerges as children become absorbed in action and explorations of their own ideas, expressing them through movement, making and transforming things using media and materials such as crayons, paints, scissors, words, sounds, movement, props and make-believe. Within Creative development your children will have experience of art, craft, music, dance, role-play and all forms of imaginative work. Your children will be encouraged to respond in a variety of ways to what they see, hear, smell, touch and feel. Through many fun activities your children will have opportunities to express and communicate their ideas, thoughts and feelings by using a widening range of materials, suitable tools, imaginative and role-play, movement, designing and making and a variety of songs and musical instruments.
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Husovo náměstí 468/16, 104 00, Praha 10

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Tereza Dvořáková

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Husovo náměstí, Hlavní město Praha, 104 00, Česko.

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